Calendar Request

Questions? Contact the office at 804-526-0816

Please help us plan for ANY use of church facilities and grounds (including parking lots).  To request an event for the church calendar and/or reserve a room in the facility, fill out the section below.


You will receive a notice once approved; please do not publicize prior to confirmation. With a church the size of MPBC there is always something going on – this process helps us keep from “bumping into” one another. Questions? Contact the church office at 526-0816.

Please note if the activity is non-church related, (Birthday Party, Baby/Bridal Shower, Graduation Party, etc.) a fee will be charged to offset facility expense (see Fee Table below).

While we are happy for our facilities to be available to our members and the community, please be reminded that we are not a event venue that simply rents its facilities to be used. We are a church of Jesus Christ and want to honor Him in all we do—even personal events. For these reasons and practical reasons of facility use, there are certain limitations on what kind of events are approved and activities at those events. This includes (but is not limited to) limitations on tobacco and alcohol use, music selection, and dancing. If you have questions about elements of your planned event, please contact the office for more information. For more information, see the MPBC Facility Use Policy.


Members Non-Members
  • $25.00


  • $75.00 – Classroom
  • $125.00 – Chapel
  • $250.00 – Christian Activities Center (CAC)


Calendar Request - New

Requestor Information

Confirmation will be sent to this email address
Type of Request
For example: "Finance Team Meeting", "Vacation Bible School", "SD Team Fundraising Table"

Calendar and Space Authorization Details

For Calendar/Event Requests & Space Authorizations
If different from person making request
Event Start Time
This is the time that will be publicly on the calendar
Event End Time
Setup Start Time
If you need additional time for setup before the event, indicate that here.
Cleanup End Time
If you need additional time for cleanup after the event, indicate that here.
Room/Area Requested
Final placement at discretion of Facilities Manager.
Do you need to use AV/Media equipment?
Equipment Requested (if different from regular room setup)
See note below regarding setup/cleanup

Cleanup/Setup Information

We do not set up chairs, tables, etc.

If you have indicated specific needs we do try to ensure we have not allocated those resources elsewhere in the church ministry at the time of your event, but you are responsible for setup and take down (return to original state) of the space for your event.

Following your event, ensure trash (especially food trash) has been removed to the dumpster and the room has been reset. If you have questions, please contact the facilities manager.

Cleanup/Setup Agreement

Foyer Table Details

For Foyer Table Requests

Table Details

Weeks Requested
Purpose of event, special needs, etc.


If you need a key, please arrange with the office to pick it up the week prior to your event by emailing or calling 526-0816. Keys may be picked up anytime the office is open (9 am–noon, 1-4 pm, Monday – Thursday), but advance notice is appreciated for all pickups, and required for afternoon pickups, to make sure we have the key and paperwork ready for you.


The door policy, in short, is that doors cannot be left unlocked or propped, and if manned during an event to allow access, needs to be manned by an adult. If you have any questions on the door policy, please contact the office - Cassie Ballard or facilities manager Don Hughes.


As noted at the top of the facility request form, as the activity is non-church related, (Birthday Party, Baby/Bridal Shower, Graduation Party, etc.) a fee will be charged to offset facility expense. The fee for members for any room is $25; the fees for non-members are tiered ($75 for classroom, $125 for chapel, $250 for CAC).


If you have requested AV capabilities, please note that we do not set this up. You will need to coordinate the church office with your needs.


As with AV/Media, we do not set up chairs, tables, etc. We did ask your needs to try to ensure we have not allocated those resources elsewhere in the church ministry at the time of your event, but you are responsible for setup and take down (return to original state) of the space for your event. Following your event, ensure trash (especially food trash) has been removed to the dumpster and the room has been reset. If you have questions, please contact the facilities manager (

Also as noted, there are certain limitations on activities at events. This includes (but is not limited to) limitations on tobacco and alcohol use, music selection, and dancing. If you have questions about elements of your planned event, please contact the office for more information.