Midweek at the Mount

Midweek at the Mount resumes January 8, 2025

Includes weekly fellowship dinner, followed by activities for all ages, including our Disciple’s Path Institute


Fellowship Meal

5:30-6:15 • For all ages

Christian Activities Center (CAC)

No reservations are needed – just join us in the CAC! The suggested donation amount is $5/person with $20 family max to offset costs, but please don’t let cost prevent you from coming.


Midweek Prayer Group

5:45 – 6:15 pm


Our ongoing midweek prayer group will meet from 6-6:30 pm, to allow any and all prayer warriors to be a part of Wednesday night activities – including the Disciple’s Path Institute – as participants or volunteers. And don’t miss out on dinner! Our prayer group is encouraged to be first in line when dinner is served, to be able to enjoy a meal and fellowship before coming to pray.


Midweek Activities

6:30-7:30 • Opportunities for All Ages

For Children

Preschool Hall (downstairs – 5 and under) & Kid Central (upstairs – K-5)

Please sign your child in each week at their welcome centers. 

Our mid-week small group ministry programs for kids who are age 2-grade 5. Children gather together to enjoy worship, games, Bible lessons, verse memorization, missions’ opportunities and more!

Keep up to date on Midweek Kids and more with our parents’ newsletter.

For Youth

Student Center (second floor) 

Join us in the Student Center for our student-led worship gathering. Praise and worship combined with teaching by our Student Pastor and breakout sessions make for a powerful punch you need in the middle of your week!

Get the Youth News you can use with our weekly newsletter for youth and parents

For Adults

Disciple’s Path Institute

Multiple Rooms

Classes created to grow any believer in what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ, designed for every believer in all stages of life.



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