The Disciple’s Path Institute

Spring classes will begin as part of Midweek at the Mount  January 8, 2025.

The Disciple’s Path Institute Promo Video with Dr. Joey Anthony from Mount Pleasant Baptist Church on Vimeo.

Love and Respect (Workbook Provided)

This course will be a marriage guidebook that will help reveal the secretes to a happy and fulfilling marriage. It will teach couples the importance of mutual love and respect, offering tips on how to communicate effective and avoid destructive patterns. They will help walk couples through what it looks like to protect, support, and build a godly marriage.

Led by: Joey & Angie Anthony / Tom & Kelley Allen

Experiencing God (Book $20)

Experiencing God is a personal study that can be used to awaken believers to a radically God-centered way of life. This study will help you recognize the voice of God, understand His will for your life, and give you a desire to pursue Him daily. As you recognize how God can and work through you, you will have a desire to carefully listen to His voice and allow Him to anchor you with boldness and freedom.

Led by: Joe Mayes & Mike Burchard

The Gospels: Four Witnesses, One Message

This course will be a survey of the four gospels that will develop an understanding of the unique presentation of Jesus by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, and of how they tell the same story of Jesus to their different audiences. This course will help develop an understanding of miracles, parables, OT fulfillment, literary elements, and most importantly Jesus Himself.

Led by: Neil Seward

Sing: How Worship Transforms Your Life, Family, and Church (Book $10)

This course will help the church discover why we sing and the overwhelming joy and holy privilege that comes with singing. Keith and Kristyn Getty write this book out a passion for congregational singing, considering how it impacts our hearts and minds. Additionally, this will help cultivate a culture of family singing in your home, while equipping the church to wholeheartedly sing to the Lord as an expression of unity.

Led by: Brian Howerton & Ryan Kidd


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Are there classes you're particularly interested in for the future? Do you have questions or comments about the DPI classes or program? You can always contact Pastor Joe Mayes, or include here in your class interest form.

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