Walk Through Scripture


Week of July 22-28

Bible Reading


Week 30 will walk us through the end of Hezekiah’s reign as we continue Act 2, Scene 7. We will especially concentrate on the latter half of the majestic prophet Isaiah, with a couple of psalms accenting the themes of Isaiah. Day 1 will wrap up the first half of Isaiah, which, as we have seen, focuses a great deal on judgment. As we transition to chapters 40 and following, the prophet’s words sound a different note, and these are some of the most beautiful and powerful chapters in all Scripture. Here we find words of comfort, hope, salvation, and a promised future. We will also read about God’s Servant, a theme that refers variously to God’s people as a whole, an earthly ruler, or the coming Messiah. We will still have words of warning and judgment in this section, and the idiocy of idolatry especially comes under blistering attack. But the overwhelming message delivers promises of God’s salvation. Enjoy and meditate deeply on these chapters.1

Monday: Isaiah 38-39, 2 Kings 20, 2 Chron 32:24-33

Tuesday: Isaiah 40-42, Psalm 46

Wednesday: Isaiah 43-45, Psalm 80

Thursday: Isaiah 46-49, Psalm 135

Friday: Isaiah 50-53

Saturday: Isaiah 54-58

Sunday: No Reading Plan Content Today – Come to Church!

  1. Excerpt from Dr. George H. Guthrie, Day by Day Chronological Bible, pg 941


This year, we’d like to cover every street in Colonial Heights in prayer. Each week, we’ll feature a selection of streets from our community. We encourage you to lift these streets up, whether through prayerwalking, driving through, or simply keeping them in your prayers.

Featured streets:

  • Hampton Dr
  • Newcastle Dr
  • Keith Dr
  • Valley Rd
  • North Valley Rd
  • South Valley Rd

If you would like a printable copy Click Here.

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