Women’s Ministry

Our desire is to help lead every woman into a growing, personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  Our prayer is that God will work in the hearts of women to pattern their lives, not after the world, but after the Word of God. The influence of godly women is incalculable – in our homes, our churches, and our culture as we connect, grow and serve alongside one another…as we “do life” together.

On Facebook: facebook.com/MPBCLifeWomen


Upcoming Events

Coffee & Crumbs

Mark your calendar for upcoming Coffee & Crumbs – check back for more details.

February 22 // 10:00 am
March 7 // 6:30 pm
April 12 // 10:00 am
May 3 // 10:00 am

Women’s Brunch

Intentionally Living a Greater Life Together

February 1, 2025 // 10:00 am to 12:00 pm

Join us for brunch and a message from our guest speaker. Bring a dish to share // A-M Savory or N-Z Sweet (Last Name).

Click here to register.

Walking With a Purpose, Coffee For a Cause

April 26, 2025

Walking: Meeting at 8:30 am the Appomattox Greenway (151 Archer Ave, Colonial Heights), we will prayer walk until we leave to get coffee.

Coffee: We will be meeting at 9:30 am for coffee at Market St. Coffee (111 N Market St, Petersburg), where they send some of their profits to fund Hannah’s Hoe Organization.

You are welcome to walk and then get coffee afterward or just pick one.

Women’s Alliance

“And who knows whether you have not come into the kingdom for such a time as this?” Esther 4:14

He2 Tribe

Every Thursday night @ 6:30 pm

Workout. Devotion. Fire.

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