
“…you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:8 b

Give. Pray. Go.

Here at Mount Pleasant we Give, Pray & Go with missional purpose – to meet  people where they are and point them to Jesus.

Working Cooperatively

Here at Mount Pleasant we give annually to the Cooperative Program, International Mission Board, North American Mission Board and various other Missions Groups.  Over 15% of annual donations go to spread the Gospel through our various missions partnerships.

Our MPBC Global Impact Offering offers a way to give even more – systematically and directly.

Partnering in Our Backyard and Worldwide

Some of our partnerships we support with prayer, donations and volunteers:

Disaster Relief Agencies

Local Chapters

  • Good News Club (GNC)
  • Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)
  • Samaritan’s Purse / Operation Christmas Child (OCC)

Support & Justice Ministries

MPBC Missionaries

In addition to working cooperatively with other churches, organizations and sending agencies, we support some missionaries directly. Stop by the church office for updated prayer cards for all of our MPBC missionary families.

Mission Trips

We want to enable, equip and encourage our church family to put their mission in action. In addition to local missions and outreach, this means organizing opportunities for short-term mission trips throughout the year. Look for updates in our newsletter on ways to get involved.

2025 Mission Interest Form

Global Impact Offering (GIO)

Give more by giving systematically

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